Decentralized trading protocol for ERC20 tokens

The DutchX has two phases (for each token pair):
(1) the batching before an auction starts (for sellers to deposit their tokens)
(2) and the running Dutch auction (when bidders are active).

Sellers can submit the tokens they would like to sell at any point in time. These tokens will automatically be placed into the next available auction as no tokens can be submitted into the running auction.

Bidders are only active during the running of an auction.

There is always only one auction per token pair running (with opposite auctions running simultaneously). All auctions run independent of one another.
When an auction for a given token pair begins, the initial price is set at twice the final closing price of the previous auction (of the same pairing). From this initial price, the price falls according to a decreasing function. During the auction bidders can submit their bid at any point in time at that current price (remember: the price function is decreasing). The bidders are guaranteed the minimum amount of tokens at the price point at which they took part. Bidders can submit bids until the auction closes (where bidVolume x price = sellVolume). Note that all bidders receive the same final and therefore lowest price. Bidders should therefore take part where the current price of the auction reflects their maximum willingness to pay. Since bidders will only pay the final market clearing price, which is either at their bid or lower, they have an economic incentive to submit the bid at their highest willingness to pay.

Check the section on interfaces for ways to participate.

Liquidity contribution

On the DutchX Protocol, liquidity contribution is levied on users in place of traditional fees.
These do not go to anyone (not to Gnosis, or any other party):
Rather, the liquidity contribution is committed to the next running auction for the respective auction pair and are thus redistributed to all users of the DutchX protocol! This mechanism helps boost volume and use of the protocol.

Your individual liqudity contribution depends on your amount of Magnolia token held as a percentage of the entire Magnolia market (it is a step function):
=>10% of Magnolia held –> 0.1% liquidity contribution
1%-10% of Magnolia held –> 0.2% of liquidity contribution
0.1%-1% of Magnolia held –> 0.3% of liquidity contribution
0.01%-0.1% of Magnolia held –> 0.4% of liquidity contribution
anything below 0.01% of Magnolia held –> 0.5% of liquidity contribution.

The liquidity contribution could also be positive for a trader that has lower contribution than other traders in the same pair!


Magnolia (MGN) tokens are intrinsic to the DutchX and lower the default liquidity contribution on the DutchX Protocol.
MGN are automatically generated and credited to users: 1 MGN is credited for trading 1 ETH worth of any whitelisted token pair (and of course trading any fraction of ETH generates the same fraction of MGN).
MGN are locked by default into a smart contract for which the user’s address is associated with a particular balance.
A user may unlock all Magnolia associated with an address at once and after 24 hours have passed, these tokens may be transferred to another address. The new holder must then lock their tokens again (or a portion thereof) in order to use the Magnolia balance for liquidity contribution reduction.
Magnolia are inflationary, which should incentivise early adoption and continuous use of the DutchX protocol.
Magnolia are not needed to participate as a seller or bidder on the DutchX.


Whitelisted tokens are tokens that generate Magnolia when traded in a whitelisted pair. Non-whitelisted tokens can still be traded (if added to the DutchX protocol), but will not generate Magnolia! The idea of whitelisted tokens is to maintain MGN’s benefit: no token should be traded with the sole intention to create Magnolia and benefit from liquidity contributions (and others’ liquidity contribution to be hence reduced).
Whitelisting is - as per 14 July 2019, 12GMT noon - determined by the dxDAO.
During the Vote Staking Period, Gnosis whitelisted any tokens that were added to the protocol, which had a reasonable pricefeed AND were also part of this suggested whitelist.
This suggested list had been put together based on a legal assessment of token characteristics, which suggest that legislation of major jurisdictions regulating securities, financial instruments or similar and/or mandating customer due diligence procedures do not apply to them at this point in time for the purposes of the DutchX protocol.
Regardless of being whitelisted, tokens will still first need to be added to the protocol before trading is possible.

Note that whitelisted tokens are not the same as listed and traded tokens. A whitelisted token has the potential to create Magnolia tokens (used for reduction of liquidity contribution) if traded in a whitelisted pair. Tokens can be listed for trading on the DutchX protocol, albeit not whitelisted (and hence trades do not generate Magnolia); on the flip side, tokens could in the future also be whitelisted by the dxDAO, however not listed/traded on the DutchX protocol.


There is no special use case for GNO. It is treated as any other ERC20 token.


In version DutchX 2.0, OWL is part of the DutchX Protocol:

What is OWL?

  • OWL is an ERC20 token. Check it out on Etherscan.
  • Read this blog post on all the various use cases.

What is OWL used for on the DutchX?

  • Users may use OWL to settle half of their liquidity contribution. The rest is settled in the token they are taking part in.
  • This does not affect the reduction of your liquidity contribution. The reduction happens first, then half may be settled in OWL.
  • 1 OWL is treated as an equivalent of 1USD worth of fees.
  • The OWL used will not go to any party but will instead be burnt (consumed).

*An example:

  1. user takes part with 100A, where A is any ERC-20 token listed on the DutchX
  2. liquidity contribution is calculated, e.g. 0.3%
  3. total fees are 0.3A
  4. user chooses to settle half in OWL
  5. calculation of 0.3A into ETH then into USD (e.g. 0.6USD)
  6. 0.3 OWL is deducted (1USD = 1OWL)
  7. remainder of 0.3USD (=0.15 A) is taken from the order
  8. 99.85A is placed for the user as his/her order. Note that 0.3OWL are burnt and 0.15A go into the next auction as an extra sellVolume*

How is it used on the DutchX?

  • OWL is completely optional to use. You must set an allowance for the smart contract for OWL.
  • OWL is then deducted automatically (available using the same address you are trading from).
  • OWL are, however, not needed to participate as a seller or bidder on the DutchX; its use is completely voluntary.

Why would one want to use OWL?

  • You might have OWL as you used your GNO to generate it.
  • You might be able to acquire it for less than 1USD worth and would hence reduce your liquidity contribution!

How does one get OWL?

  • OWL is generated by locking GNO (of course you get the GNO back) during special generation times.
  • Check this website to see if there is an ongoing generation or to see past generations and claim back your GNO if you haven’t done so already.
  • OWL may be traded on secondary markets or OTC.

Auctioneer Powers

What are auctioneer powers?

On smart contract level, the DutchX has a number of clearly defined modifiable parameters that can be changed. The auctioneer has the powers over the following (complete list):

  • De- & whitelisting of tokens that generate Magnolia
  • Changing the threshold to start auctions
  • Changing the threshold to add tokens to the DutchX protocol
  • Setting a new external ETH/USD price feed
  • Updating the DutchX contract logic, and
  • Setting a new entity able to modify the contract parameters (the ‘auctioneer’).

Why are auctioneer powers needed?

The DutchX was designed to be a fully-decentralized trading protocol. This means that changes to the DutchX protocol must also be decided in a decentralized fashion.

Specifically, however, there are two reasons that make upgrade by hard-forks only (the alternative to an owner) not very user friendly:

  1. Some parameters need more frequent updating (such as the whitelisting mentioned)
  2. One of the value propositions of the DutchX is to be one global liquidity pool. If there was not a possibility to upgrade the master logic, one would risk splitting liquidity with every upgrade.

Who holds auctioneer powers to DutchX 1.0?

In the first version of the DutchX smart contracts, these auctioneer powers were relinquished. This meant that neither Gnosis nor anyone else, had the ability to alter the contracts parameters or logic.

Who holds auctioneer powers to DutchX 2.0?

The primary aim with this deployment was to provide the dxDAO with the auctioneer powers of the DutchX. The following parameters may be modified by successful proposal in the dxDAO.

Some more details on the auctioneer powers:

De- & whitelisting of tokens that generate Magnolia

Whitelisted tokens - if they aretraded in a whitelisted pair - generate Magnolia, which can be used to reduce liquditiy contribution. Read above about Magnolia, Whitelist and Liquidity contribution.

  • Whitelisting (and de-whitelisting) can happen for each token individually or for an entire list of tokens
  • It is not necessary that the token is either listed for trading or actively traded
  • The auctioneer calls the function updateApprovalOfToken on the DutchExchangeProxy contract which is implemented in the Token Whitelist contract
  • There is no time lag to the execution of this function
  • It applies immediately and is effective upon users claiming their tokens of whitelisted tokens (if traded in a whitelisted pair), also if the auction had finished prior to triggering this function

Changing the threshold to start auctions

Once this defined sellVolume (deposit) threshold is reached by both opposite auctions (each), and the prior auctions have finished, the new auctions commences.

  • The auctioneer calls the function updateThresholdNewAuction of the Master Contract (via the Proxy)
  • At the time of writing, this value is set at USD1000 (Technical note: In the contract 1 USD is represented as 1e18 uint256. E.g. USD1000 = 1000000000000000000000)
  • There is no time lag to calling this function
  • It applies to all auctions (no individual change possible) that have not started (also if currently waiting for funding)

Changing the threshold to add tokens to the DutchX protocol

  • Once this defined sellVolume (deposit) threshold is reached, the first ever auction for this pair will commence. (Technical note: only one side has to reach the threshold if after 24h the thresholds have not been reached)
  • The very first auction for an entirely new token on the DutchX has to be with WETH, where the defined threshold has to be reached solely on the WETH sellVolume.
  • For the very first aucion of another token pair (without WETH), the defined threshold can be reached through the combined sellVolumes on both sides of the auctions.
  • The auctioneer calls the function updateThresholdNewTokenPair of the Master Contract (via the Proxy)
  • At the time of writing this value is set at USD1000 (Technical note: In the contract 1 USD is represented as 1e18 uint256. E.g. USD1000 = 1000000000000000000000)
  • There is no time lag to calling this function
  • It applies to all auctions (no individual change possible) that have not started (also if currently waiting for funding)

Setting a new external ETH/USD price feed

The DutchX needs an ETH-USD price feed for two purposes: (i) to calculate the thresholds mentioned above as well as (ii) calculating the liquidity contribution which can be settled in USD.

  • The auctioneer calls the function initiateEthUsdOracleUpdate on the DutchExchangeProxy contract which is implemented in the EthOracle Contract
  • There is a 30-day time lag for execution of this function
  • After the 30 days are up, the auctioneer or anyone else calls the function updateEthUSDOracle in the same contract
  • A slightly more technical side-note: though updateETHUSDOracle may be triggerd by anyone, only the auctioneer can commence the 30 day time period.

Updating the DutchX contract logic

Due to the proxy architecture of the smart contracts, the auctioneer may update the entire DutchX Mastercontract, hence being able to change any part of the DutchX logic (not only the modifiable parameters mentioned here), likely without the need for integrations to be renewed and deposits to be withdrawn.

  • The auctioneer calls the startMasterCopyCountdown function on the DutchExchangeProxy contract which is implemented in the DxUpgrade contract
  • This triggers a 30-day time window before the change is executed
  • A slightly more technical side-note: though updateMasterCopy may be triggerd by anyone, only the auctioneer can commence the-30 day time period.
  • The function can be called again during the time window effectively overwriting the prior change
  • The triggering can also be effectively cancelled by calling the same function with the current address as the new address.

Setting a new auctioneer

The auctioneer holds the power to update itself.

  • The auctioneer calls the updateAuctioneer function on the DutchExchangeProxy contract which is implemented in the AuctioneerManaged contract
  • There is no time lag for its execution when triggering this function.